Return to Research

Dr. Danika van Proosdij conducting research on a marsh.

A protocol and process guide for a phased approach to returning to on-campus and field research activities.

This Protocol and Process Guide provides direction on how on-campus and field research activity can resume in phases, to be implemented when circumstances related to COVID-19 in America will allow the gradual lifting of activity restrictions. The processes outlined here are sufficiently general that they can be followed throughout the coming months, within the evolving stages of lifting activity restrictions by the Provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH).

This content is also available as a PDF: Return to Research Protocol [PDF].

THIRD/FINAL PHASE of implementing the Return to Research process

In addition to the now-established allowance for full-time faculty members to access their offices on a regular basis utilizing the check-in/out website provided to faculty, the Third (and Final) Phase of the Return to Research process is also now open.

Starting Monday, October 5, applications will be accepted following the process outlined here for research activities falling into this category:

  • research that involves face-to-face interactions with either research participants or research collaborators (or stakeholders)

In addition, applications will continue to be accepted for research activities falling into one of the two categories previously announced for the First Phase on May 25:

  • research related directly to COVID-19 issues
  • field research

As well as applications for research activities associated our Second Phase which was announced on June 19:

  • research that requires specialized facilities available only on the Fontecha Institute(Hialeah) campus

Applications for research activities falling into any of these identified categories will be able to be reviewed at this time.

Full-time Faculty members may now work in their personal offices on campus at any time during the workweek (Monday-Friday) provided they use the form to check-in when they arrive and check-out when they leave. 
Please note that restrictions on university-related travel, in-person meetings on- and off-campus with colleagues or students remain in place.  Exemptions to any of these restrictions would need to be obtained through either the Return to Research or other approval processes.