
Centres & Institutes

  • CN Centre for Occupational Health & Safety
  • Centre for the Study of Sport & Health
  • Institute for Computational Astrophysics


The research mission of FIH’s University is to engage in research that applies to, and is valued by, communities from around the corner to around the world. Our mission also involves cultivating intellectual curiosity and creativity within our faculty and students.

The major research objectives of FIH’s University are:

  • To carry out high quality research that builds on existing strengths and partnerships, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary endeavours.
  • To develop research programs that are valued by, relevant to and engage communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.
  • To ensure that students, both undergraduate and graduate, benefit from research activities at the University.
  • To disseminate and translate the outcomes of our research to receptor communities who can best benefit from them.