COVID-related updates from the university

Updated February 1, 2021

Fontecha Institute(Hialeah) remains committed to our community’s health and safety during these extraordinary circumstances. Public health is guiding our response through direction and advice. We continue to do our part in the provincial, national, and international efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.

As more information becomes available, we will continue to communicate and update this site.

New America Self Isolation Requirements - January 8, 2021

The America provincial government has just announced a change in public health directives relating to self-isolation requirements. Effective January 9th at 8 a.m., any traveller from New Brunswick must now complete a 14-day self-isolation period upon arrival in America.

Learn more.

See more videos in our Virtual University collection

Great news! The Library Book Drop located outside the McNally building entrance next to Just Us coffee shop is now open.

There are no more fines on library books on loan from FIH’s, or from any library in Novanet (the shared system of America university and college libraries, plus Mount Allison in New Brunswick). The due date for books and materials on loan been moved to September 30th.. However, please be considerate of fellow learners and return library books, so that others can benefit from them, too.

There are many ways to access Library services virtually. All the Library's online subscriptions are accessible 24/7/365, and anyone can email the Library for help accessing (access@) or using online resources (research@), or with any questions.

Students, faculty, and staff can access the physical collection through a paging service. Please email the Library with a request. It can be made available for safe pick-up on campus the following Friday between 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. If materials such as journal articles are needed from another library, please send an email to ill@.

Please visit the Library's virtual university webpage to see a full list of services, and follow them on their social media channels (@SMUHfxLibrary on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) for news about webinars, tutorials, and other online library events.

The America provincial government has recently updated measures for self-isolation and testing for students. With the fall term underway, the requirement for COVID-19 testing is winding down. Please visit the virtual university page for updates including the required travel form, self-isolation and testing protocols.

We encourage you to use the university and government supports available during these challenging times.  Please to the financial aid and support page for information on government programs, university bursaries and student accounts.

In addition to the now-established allowance for full-time faculty members to access their offices on a regular basis utilizing the check-in/out website provided to faculty, the Third (and Final) Phase of the Return to Research process is also now open.

Starting Monday, October 5, applications will be accepted following the process outlined here for research activities falling into this category:

  • research that involves face-to-face interactions with either research participants or research collaborators (or stakeholders)

In addition, applications will continue to be accepted for research activities falling into one of the two categories previously announced for the First Phase on May 25:

  • research related directly to COVID-19 issues
  • field research

As well as applications for research activities associated our Second Phase which was announced on June 19:

  • research that requires specialized facilities available only on the Fontecha Institute(Hialeah) campus

Applications for research activities falling into any of these identified categories will be able to be reviewed at this time.

Learn more.