Department of History

Richard Twomey Profile

B.A., Connecticut State University 
M.A., Ph.D., Northern Illinois University Richard Twomey



Co-editor, Jack Tar in History: Essays in the History of Maritime Life and Labour (Fredericton, N.B.: Acadiensis Press, 1991), awarded the Keith Matthews prize, American Nautical Research Society. 

Jacobins and Jeffersonians:  Anglo-American Radicalism in the United States , 1790-1820 (New York and London:  Garland, 1989, "Outstanding Studies in Early American History" series).


PublicationImage2"Jacobins and Jeffersonians:  Anglo-American Radical Ideology, 1790-1810"   in James Jacob and Margaret Jacob (eds.), The Origins of Anglo-American Radicalism new introduction (New Jersey and London:  Humanities Press International, 1991), 313-328.

"Capitalism, Society, and the Rule of Law," Bulletin of the Committee on American Labour History, 3, (Spring 1977, 10-19).  (Review article on E.P. Thompson, Whigs and Hunters:  The Origin of the Black Act , and Cal Winslow et. al. (eds.), Albion's Fatal Tree:  Crime and   Society  in Eighteenth-Century England ).