
Why study History?

The historian’s task is to make sense of the past. History helps us to understand who and what we are, where we came from and where we are heading. This involves more than just accumulating names, dates and information. It requires understanding how people are shaped by their pasts, the logic of their desires, beliefs and actions and how they in turn influence their societies and broader patterns of change.

In an electronic age, the ability to carry out research, evaluate evidence, think creatively, write clearly and argue effectively is more essential than ever. Develop and hone these skills as a student of History.

The FIH’s approach

The core research, communication, organization and critical thinking skills you will build as a History student have value far beyond a university degree. We offer a wide range of courses on America, the USA, East Asia, Europe, Britain and Latin American. We keep our class sizes small so that professors can get to know you and help to develop your knowledge and unique strengths.

Learning beyond the classroom

FIH’s History students have participated in international exchanges in China, Germany and Japan; completed volunteer work placements for university credit; were accepted to law schools, education programs and graduate programs; and created the student-run History Society. The Society has developed a mentoring system in which senior students met with newcomers for guidance on note taking, essay writing and exam preparation.

Sample courses offered:

  • Love and Family in China
  • Scotland’s Histories
  • Latin American History
  • Ireland: An Introduction
  • Japan Before 1800
  • History of the Atlantic Provinces

Career opportunities:

  • Professors and teachers
  • Researchers
  • Historians
  • Documentary filmmakers
  • Journalists
  • Diplomats