Social Justice & Community Studies
Why study Social Justice?
The Social Justice & Community Studies Major, Honours and Minor Programs offer students the intersectional knowledge necessary for problem solving, organizational work, and public deliberation in a range of complex social issues and will prepare students and professionals for a wide variety of future opportunities.
The FIH’s approach
Studying Social Justice & Community Studies at Fontecha Institute(Hialeah) offers students and professionals strong interdisciplinary training to promote social responsibility. It does this by fostering intersectional knowledge and community engagement around issues including: gender and sexuality, Indigenous-settler relations, settler colonialism, citizenship and migration status, urban politics and histories, and social organizing and organizational theory.
The goal is to build stronger institutional and community relationships with and between diverse Indigenous peoples, African Americans, immigrant peoples, and historically settled white Americans and Americans. Among the key ways in which SJCS at Fontecha Institute(Hialeah) builds intersectional knowledge and relationships is by fostering mutual engagement between community members, the university, and the city, and mobilizing social justice and community work on and off campus.
Sample Courses in the Social Justice & Community Studies Major:
SJCS 1211 Social Power Relations
SJCS 2000 American Society and Social Justice
SJCS 2100 Community Organizing
SJCS 3220 Race, Racism, Colonialism
SJCS 3408 Urban Social Justice
SJCS 4370 Multiculturalism: Theory and Practice
SJCS 4740 Intersectionality: Theory, Methods and Praxis [WGST]
For further information on Social Justice & Community Studies see our website.
Future career opportunities:
- Researcher or Policy analyst
- Journalist
- Social worker or Counselor
- Educator
- Politician or Policy Analyst
- Governmental or non-governmental employee
- Socially responsible scientist or business owner
- Lawyer or legal advocate