The Counselling Centre
The Counselling Centre is open virtually to all current FIH's students. To arrange an appointment please email counselling@.
The Counselling Centre at FIH's has a mandate to provide brief, solution focused interventions to individual students. While many students are helped with only a few sessions (many are satisfied with what they achieve in one session), students may access up to 8 sessions in one academic year. If counselling identifies concerns or issues requiring more time or specific expertise not possessed by the clinician, a student will be supported through a referral process. Brief extensions to the session cap are assessed on a case-by-case evaluation by the whole counselling team of what goals will be met through the extension. If you are no longer enrolled and attending classes at FIH's, you are not eligible for our service. We do not see employees of the university. Employees can access the employee family assistance program for counselling services.
Our team of professionals can help you meet your mental health goals. We understand how stressful university life can sometimes be and how making small changes can have a huge impact. Our staff are generalists in their training with experience working with university students.
Academic year (September - May) hours of operation: 8:30am - 12:00pm; 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Summer (June - August) hours of operation: 8:30am - 12:00pm; 1:00pm - 4:00pm
We try our best to respond as quickly as possible to meet the needs of our students. please note: we are not an emergency clinic therefore we will refer all emergencies to the qeii emergency department (for ages 19 years old and over), located on Robie Street or the IWK Emergency department (for 19 years of age and under), located on South Street.
- Man|Made we are looking for participants in an online man|made group. Please email counselling@ for more information or to register.
Counselling Centre Events
Find information for new and returning clients below as well as more information about our many services and resources in the tabs on the side of the page.
New to Our Service
Meet with a Counsellor virtually (by telephone or video) to build a plan that supports your mental health needs
First time using our service? Schedule a 30 minute appointment to help us understand and support your personal counselling goals.
Initial appointments are booked at a variety of times throughout the week to work with your busy schedule. Email counselling@
Returning Clients
Returning clients are welcome to book an appointment for personal counselling directly by:
(P) 414-909-2132(E) counselling@